
Ride The Wave Of Innovation With The Mobile Inventory Oracle Cloud

Are you looking for technologies to level up your brand game? It is time to toss away inefficiencies and pave way for innovation with mobile inventory oracle cloud. We’re sure you must be having dilemmas clouding up your brand however, this is exactly where Intellinum jumps into the picture to trace clarity.


Intellinum is the best mobile data gathering solution for Oracle SCM Cloud, which has collaborated with Oracle Product Strategy and Development to develop a real-time, high-performance cloud application. It vouches to provide powerful capabilities for Oracle Inventory Cloud and Manufacturing Cloud.


The pertinent question is, how can the Oracle mobile inventory cloud users benefit from advanced mobile inventory management software across their whole warehouse operation? With Oracle and Intellinum, which fully enables barcoding in the Cloud to track inventory visibility, movement, and related employee activities, common distribution challenges are readily solved. The ability to preserve “one version of the truth” for inventory data in Oracle SCM Cloud, which supports both online and offline transactions, helps managers to rapidly identify any disparities in customer satisfaction. For manufacturing and distribution, learn about Oracle SCM’s cloud inventory management features. Projects, tasks, descriptive flex fields, and country of origin are all supported by our inventory functionality.


The True Cloud Best Practices Will Help You Improve the Efficiency of Your Supply Chain


Get Rid of Manual Procedures


Maintaining a high degree of inventory accuracy, which is critical for efficiency, is a typical difficulty in warehousing and distribution. The usage of manual paper-based processes, which are prone to human mistakes, is the key bottleneck. You can barcode and identify your inventory and locations by moving to mobile, allowing your staff to record precise inventory data at every touchpoint with mobile inventory oracle cloud.


Extend the Benefits of Cloud


There are a variety of applications that can help you get the most out of your Cloud investment, and you can find them all on the Oracle Marketplace. Determine which technologies are appropriate for your company. Receiving, counting, picking, and shipping tasks may all be automated with a mobile inventory oracle cloud solution delivered by Intellinum, resulting in increased productivity and decreased operational expenses.


No More Adjustments


Oracle Cloud is designed to help your supply chain run at its best, with out-of-the-box functionality that eliminates the need for custom workflows and expensive modifications. Adopt built-in capabilities sculpted by best practices to meet your company goals; integrate specialist third-party solutions like Intellinum to go even farther.


How is Mobile Inventory Beneficial?


You may remove error-prone human data input and all of the “invisible inefficiencies” that come with paper-based warehousing and manufacturing processes by adopting Oracle Cloud mobile solutions. Using Intellinum to mobilize your employees allows you to streamline inventory-related processes and obtain visibility into every transaction. It’s an important part of any cloud strategy.


Visibility in Real-Time


Because of Intellinum seamless connectivity, you’ll always know who’s doing what, where your inventory is, and what transactions are taking place.


Inventory That is Accurate


Increase the correctness of your data by up to 99.9%. With our mobile cloud app for SCM Cloud, you can eliminate manual data entry and reduce on-hand stock.


Increased Productivity


Reduce transaction times and eliminate errors on the shop floor to increase your production by at least 20%. At Intellinum, we understand you and your brand goals thus we focus on elements that can scale your brand to new heights. Let’s have a look at the listicle, shall we?


  • Administrative Console
  • License Monitor
  • Create Transfer Orders
  • Cycle Count
  • Inventory Inquiry
  • Inspection Receipt
  • Inter/Intra Org Transfer
  • Packing
  • Physical Inventory Count
  • Put away & Suggested Put away
  • Receiving – Purchase Orders, Transfer Orders, Multi-line
  • Picking – Sales Orders, Transfer Orders, Movement Requests, Wave, Directed, Consolidated, Locator Sequence, Partial Pick
  • Ship Confirm


To summarise, Intellinum mobile inventory oracle cloud service optimizes supply chain data, allowing businesses to assess, execute, and shift in real-time on crucial success factors. Intellinum mobile-first solutions enable the business to record, exchange, and act on data, complementing ERP capabilities with customizable solutions that address specific business concerns and enable end-to-end inventory visibility.