How to Reduce Costs With Your Personalized Label Printing Solutions

It’s reported that the print label market will grow at a CAGR of 4.2% by 2027.


The number may look like it won’t be making a difference in your overall expenditure, but they can help you save a lot in the long run. These are often hidden costs that can be reduced and can add to the profitability of any business. So, while choosing the alternative ways of how your label printing can be more efficient, a personalized label printing solution comes as the best solution for businesses.


In this blog, we will share some more aspects with which you can eliminate any second thoughts about choosing this technology for your business.


Why choose a personalized label printing solution?


Check out the below discussed perks of availing an label printing technology for your business!


Appropriate label size


Some companies put larger labels than necessary on their products. It isn’t needed and wastes the resources that can be put to better use. Instead of designing for the humans that won’t even read it in many cases, design it for the barcode scanners and camera systems that will do the actual reading in the present age of industrial automation.


For instance, shifting to 3” x 5” size work instead of a 4” x 6” will help you reduce labour costs by 37%.


Energy efficient


The label design and printing solutions help in reducing the energy expenditure for each print run. They offer a great energy efficiency run with automation in the picture. Moreover, digital printers can switch between a working mode and sleep mode quickly, which conserves energy between print cycles.




The color included in your label also affects the cost of label printing for your business. Prefer using high-quality white and black images instead sparingly. If you wish to attract attention to your product labels, include bright or contrasting colors in your label. These are best to use when you intend to grab the attention of the audience without spending too much from your fund.


Material comparison


Leveraging stock labels is a cost-effective option that benefits you with materials that are appropriate for the application. Further, use standard material without removable or a basic permanent adhesive that keeps the cost of label production in check.


Additionally, using materials that match the application is a great way to reduce label costs. Shift your attention to understand the conditions, handling and printing requirements, and the surface on which the label is applied and likewise while selecting the material to ensure that the whole process is a cost-effective choice.


Reduce waste


You would be surprised to know that 80% of the cost associated with label printing is not the product itself. This may have shocked you to the roots but that’s a fact.


Some processes like label dispensers, material storage practices and others lead to unwanted increase in the overall cost. To cope up with this, barcode print label software should be leveraged with appropriate printer settings to maximise the print size, quality and orientation. Also, try using a dispenser that efficiently uses a label.


Fact check: When you waste one label out of every 25 levels, you are increasing your label cost by 4%.


Label storage


Storing your labels properly with enough space with moderate humidity and temperature improves its lifespan. Ideally, they should be stored in a cabinet or on a shelf as opposed to on the floor. It will help in a smoother handling and protection of the labels from potential damage like mechanical or water damage.


Try different ideas


The elevated cost of labels can be due to their unique dimensions. Be open to suggestions regarding the level size as being flexible will allow your label vendor to offer you new ideas that can increase the efficiency and reduce label costs for your business.



You can discuss several aspects with your vendor on a certain spot color for a particular portion of the label that isn’t a brand color. Further, you can avoid certain colors that are required on brand labels as it opens up many opportunities at a fraction of the cost. Discuss all the small changes that can be made to your label as they can add up to considerable savings for your business.




The above-discussed factors will help you reduce the label printing cost significantly. Put Oracle label printing solutions to work and eliminate the burden from your shoulders. If you wish to understand the process of how it works, connect with us directly, and we will give you a free tour of how it can transform your life in a few moments once You try using it for your business.