Debunking the Most Heard Label Printing Software Myths

Technology has come as a blessing to many operational challenges in every industry. The pandemic further accelerated digitalization and automation around the world. However, some business owners still believe that it adds no silver lining to the everyday chaos at their workplace.


In this article, we are going to talk about one such technology, which is label printing software. We are going to debunk all the myths related to it that are keeping you from leveraging its unparalleled benefits.


Surprising Myths Related to the Label Printing Software


1. They are expensive


A technology bundled with advanced features is often confused as costing a king’s ransom. It is because of the limited knowledge about the return on investment you will get with it by your side.


For short-term purposes, label printing solutions do not come with the upfront cost of prolonged setup. They come with a minimum system cost and low maintenance and keep your label printing task running endlessly.


For a long-term requirement, the initial investment may seem like a big chunk out of your bank balance. However, in the long run, you can certainly save a lot more with it. It is for this reason that it gives an edge over traditional offset printing with its range of exceptional benefits. The automation, quick processing, and top-notch accuracy in printing help you with incredible output and zero human errors in the process.


2. They are designed for only one job


The label design software may seem like they are manufactured to do one job only. Although you would be astonished to know that this solution offers the ability to create, design, automate, and generate labels of any kind for your business. It is available on-premise or on-cloud to meet your business requirements.


While doing its job, it also ensures that the generated labels fulfill the label compliance so that your business doesn’t face any penalty for the same. In addition, it also offers you the flexibility to integrate label formats and templates with your business system. The multi-language capabilities and multiple conditions/criteria help you increase the efficiency of the process as well as elevate the bar of customer experience with your brand.


3. Label design software isn’t compatible


An air of mystery revolves around label printing technology. But the truth is that this solution is a one size fits all company solution.


It runs on any browser and no special software is needed for it. You can design labels from any location and securely store and manage them for future use. It supports all label printers like Zebra, Epson, Intermec, or any other XML-enabled printers.


Moreover, if you wish to reprint any earlier label, you can look for it in the label history and redirect it to another printer for printing. From supporting the industry standard IPP protocol to print documents to supporting all types of barcodes, label design software comes as a 100% compatible solution for any business.


4. They are too complicated to choose


Choosing the ideal label printing software can be an overwhelming task. With limited knowledge, it can become a hustle to get the right technology on board.


But, it isn’t complicated to choose. It is because there are experts that have the utmost knowledge of such technologies and can guide you to a wise decision. They will consider your business requirements and your budget set for the investment and will help you decide on the best solution for you.


Let label printing software transform your life!


It’s important to keep an eye on the latest technological advancements. It will help you match your pace with the ceaselessly growing market. Now that these myths are busted, we hope you will make a wise decision and move to adopt this incredible technology for your business with our label management software. To get you started, here’s a top-notch recommendation for you.