How To Automate the Drop Loaded LPNs in Picking and Putaway

How To Automate the Drop Loaded LPNs in Picking and Putaway – Express Server

In this series of MWA Express Server blog, we will see how to automate the Drop Loaded LPNs page by using features in MWA Express Server. Drop Loaded LPNs page is a mobile page for dropping LPNs used in picking and putaway – it can be invoked from menu as a standalone or part of picking transaction. In this page, Oracle displays the suggested drop sub-inventory and locator and user needs to confirm them. Optionally, user may choose to enter a master LPN for the drop LPN. Finally, there is a Done button to confirm the transaction.


The automation we are going to do is to auto populate the confirm sub-inventory and locator with values form the suggested fields. MWA Express Server has a feature to derive default value for a field. The default value can be a constant, or value of another field in the page, or result from a SQL query. In this case, we will use value from another field, i.e. the suggested sub-inventory and locator. Besides populating the value, we will also add Auto Enter on them. After the drop locator is auto populated, we can add an On Exit trigger to bring the cursor to the Done button automatically as well.


Automate the drop loaded lpns


If a warehouse has a single drop sub-inventory and locator, then user may not need to see this page altogether. Thus, we can add an Auto Enter for the Done button to automate the whole transaction. On the other hand, some warehouses may want their users to review the drop sub-inventory and locator first before completing the drop. In such case, we can leave out the Auto Enter on the Done button.


This personalization can be setup at site level, responsibility level, organization level or user level. The multi-level personalization flexibility allows companies to automate Pick Drop globally or for certain responsibility, or organization or user.